There is a silent virtual educational crisis caused by the  2020 pandemic which shifted the environment of education from the classroom to the home. The emptying of schools and the slow return to school has caused a lot of instability in education and the side effects include unstable servers, massive list of links, disruptions in class schedules, lesson plans, attendance numbers, mass emails, phone calls, and technical frustrations in learning in homes and schools across the nation.

A military stay at home wife in California, explains how she is struggling to keep her elementary school aged kids excited about mandatory virtual school. Her students' district is going to school virtually from 8:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. however the schooling most days goes all the way to dinner time completing assignments and homework. She has a calendar for one week that is 8 x 11 in size  filled with links, times, activities, assignments, and homework. None of these activities helped her get back the time to work on household errands and duties that she did pre-pandemic. Her husband is deployed, and  she really just wants something to help her through her day to get her kids motivated and  to stay on track with two different school schedules. 

A single working mom in Ohio, has three students, on three different individual education plans in elementary school that are going to school part time virtually and on part time campus with three different schedules. She states that she is bombarded with emails everyday of homework assignments, tests, and IEP meetings that literally take her hours to go through a single day of emails for her three elementary students. 

Two married parents in Missouri that work from home have two kids, one has an IEP in middle school and one in high school that have mandatory virtual schooling. They struggle with having the bandwidth to work and make sure with both of their work and their children’s school schedules, and have to seek out several different sites to find grades, homework, and class assignments. They feel overwhelmed and the balance is not there in being successful in both work for themselves and their children's virtual education. 

 TREE Industries breakthrough technology EZRA EA is here to help parents and their students with most of the pain points that they go through everyday with virtual education in the home.  To learn more about  EZRA EA and how it will give parents peace of mind, give us a call at  855-573-8733 or email us to set up an appointment today.  

